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First off, you need to have previously jailbroken your iDevice and clicked "make my life easier" in cydia.
1. You're going to have to download the firmware you want to downgrade to. Visit http://www.felixbrun.../iPod/firmware/ and click the firmware that applies to you.
2. Once your firmware has downloaded, plug up your iDevice to your computer and open iTunes if it doesn't open automatically.
3. Next, you need to put your device in DFU mode. This is done by holding both the home and power button simultaneously. Hold both for 10 seconds, at 10 let go of the power button but still continue to hold the home button until itunes detects your iDevice in recovery mode.
4. Now, click start, computer, go to your C drive (windows 7 / Xp/ Vista) , Windows, System 32, drivers, etc.
5. Now open the hosts file with notepad. Copy everything in this file and close it.Open another notepad and paste everything. At the bottom of the text paste this without quotes "" . Now go to file, save as, name it hosts,save as all files, and replace the one in the etc folder.
6. The hard part is over, now all you need to do is go back to iTunes, hover over restore. Hold shift down while you click restore and it should prompt you to browse for your firmware. Select the downgraded firmware you downloaded and click open.
7. When the process is done YOU WILL 99% OF THE TIME GET AN ERROR. This is normal however.
8. Now your phone should be stuck at the plug into iTunes screen. DO NOT press RESTORE again in iTunes. Simply minimize iTunes.
9. Now it's time to open up recboot. Open it up and choose the option "Kick out of recovery mode"
10. Viola ! You should be good to go. Enjoy your downgraded software.
My aim - imtootoxiic
Firmware Site - http://www.felixbrun.../iPod/firmware/
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